Monday, October 22, 2007

The CF Calendar 2008

Below is the complete CF Calendar for 2008 as it will be on completion for perusal. The designer is putting it all on to disc to send to the Printer tomorrow and I'll be waiting a proof copy in anticipation! Once that's signed and approved then we can get the ball rolling to print 2000 copies and then the selling begins! Fingers crossed for a rapid turn around on printing and then I can start publicising them more as I know we only have 2 clear months of calendar selling at full price ahead.
I hope you are all as happy with the final version as I am and thank you to all those who sent me pictures and an extra special thank you to Prospect Distributors in London for sponsoring the calendar and also for their generosity in providing bubble wrap, brown packing paper and a slight over ordering of 36 rolls of packing tape which will come in rather useful for the bondage sessions!! ;-)

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